One hundred and one Old Qári roots and their derivatives (part 6)

The final part of the Old Qári root series – with the root YWB ‘to fornicate’ we complete 101 roots. Of course, the work here is nowhere near completed: there are still some huge gaps in the vocabulary created. My next post after this will outline where I’m going next.

xgʷt “to fly, to swim”
zero-grade: ə́gʷɨt ‘bird’;
front grade: əgʷté ‘to fly, to swim’;
back grade: xágʷtə ‘wing’;

xkn “brains”
front grade: xéknu ‘to tan, to prepare leather’; əkéni ‘to stink’;
back grade: əkná ‘brain’; 

xkʷt “to be old”
front grade: xékʷɨtṣ ‘to age, to grow old’;
back grade: xákʷtṇt ‘elder’; əkʷtá ‘old age’; xákʷtṇ ‘old’;

xnt “to measure”
zero-grade: xṇ́tɨ ‘measurement, time’; xṇ́tti ’fathom, span’;
front grade: xṇté ‘to measure’; xénti ‘to think, to consider’;
back grade: xántə ‘thought, idea’; xántil ‘moment, occasion’;

xrt “to be large”
zero-grade: xṛ́tṇ ‘big’;
front grade: xértṣ ‘to enlarge’; xérti ‘to grow, to get big’;
back grade: xṛtá ‘lots, much’;

xs “heart”
zero-grade: ə́sɨ ‘heart’;

xsd “to be short”
back grade: xásdṇ ‘short’; 

xykʷ “to see”
front grade: xéykʷu ‘to see’; əyékʷə ‘eye’;
back grade: xikʷá ‘reality, the world (< that which is seen)’;

ydy “to flow”
front grade: idyé ’to flow’; yédis ‘to pour’; yédyṣk ‘jug, amphora’; yédyṣti ‘beer, alcohol’; 
back grade: idáyə ‘river’; yádyə ‘rain’;

ykʷy “to sit”
zero-grade: íkʷi ‘to sit’;
front grade: yékʷis ‘to seat, to place’; pəykʷéyi ‘to get up, to rise’;
back grade: ikʷyá ‘session’; yékʷyṣt ‘cushion, matress’; ikʷáyə ‘chair’; ḷwikʷáyə ‘throne, dias’;

yngʷ “to be long”
zero-grade: yṇgʷṇ ‘long’;
front grade: yéngʷṣ ‘to stretch’; yéngʷṣpi ‘to card wool’;
back grade: kiyṇgʷá ‘eel’; yángʷət ‘snake’;

yp “to drink”
front grade: ipé ’to drink’; yépu ‘to drink deeply’; yépipu ‘to sip’;
back grade: ipá ‘a draught’; yáptə ‘beer’; yápṇt ‘drunkard’; 

yrt “to give birth”
zero-grade: írtə ‘birth, chick, offspring’;
front grade: irté ‘to give birth’; yértṛ ‘mother’; yértɨtə ‘pig, sow’;
back grade: irtá ‘birth, labour’; yártə ‘child’; 

ywb “to copulate, to breed”
zero-grade: yúbɨ ‘semen’;
front grade: yubé ‘to fornicate’; yéwbṛ ‘fornicator, bull’; yéwbət ‘ram’; pəywébu ‘to castrate’;
back grade: yáwbə ‘sex, lust’; yáwbṛ ‘concubine’; iwábti ‘catamite’;

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