One hundred and one Old Qári roots and their derivatives (part 3)

I’m not fully sure how many more parts I’m going to have to divide this up into before covering all 101 roots…

kwr “to tie”
zero-grade: kúrɨ ‘to tie’; pəkúrɨ ‘to untie, to loosen’;
front grade: kuré ‘to braid’
back grade: káwrə ‘rope’; kurá ‘net’; káwril ‘knot’;
reduplicated: kukéwrit ‘to plait, to weave’; kukúrə ‘cloth’;

kʷdn “dog”
zero-grade: kʷɨ́dnul ‘bitch, female dog’;
back grade: kʷɨdná ‘dog’; kʷádnil ‘puppy’; 

kʷny “to go around, to turn”
zero-grade: kʷṇ́yɨ ‘to turn back, to return’; kʷṇ́yə ‘goal, endpoint’;
front grade: kʷénitə ‘to plough, to prepare a field for planting’; kʷénitər ‘field hand’; kʷéniki ‘to graze’; kʷénikis ‘to put to pasture’; kʷénikyṣr ‘herdsman’;
back grade: kʷṇyá ‘return, homecoming (n.)’; kʷánix ‘pole, post’; lukʷánix ‘pole star’; kʷányun ‘border, boundary, pomerium’;

kʷsx “to be shaded, to be cool”
zero-grade: kʷṣ́xɨ ‘shade’;
front grade: kʷésəw ‘to chill (vt.)’; kʷésəy ‘to relax, to calm down’;
back grade: kʷásəy ‘peace, relaxation, leisure’; 

kʷwl “to carry”
zero-grade: kʷúlɨ ‘basket’;
front grade: kʷulé ‘to carry’; kʷéwḷs ‘to burden, to impose upon’; kʷéwlu ‘to support, to provide for’; kʷéwḷr ‘porter, bearer’;
back grade: kʷáwḷn ‘pregnant (adj)’; kʷáwḷti ‘child’; kʷáwḷk ‘load, burden’;

kʷtn “to speak”
zero-grade: kʷɨtṇ ‘voice’;
front grade: kʷɨtné ‘to speak, to say’; kʷétṇrə ‘storyteller, shaman’;
back grade: kʷátṇx ‘word’; lukʷátṇx ‘judgement, command’; kʷɨtná ’story’;

kʷxk “to pluck, to pick”
zero-grade: kʷəkɨ ‘berry’;
front grade: kʷéxki ‘to pluck’;
back grade: kʷəká ‘wool’; kʷáxkə ‘sheep’; 

kʷxr “to inhabit an area”
front grade: kʷəré ‘to inhabit’;
back grade: kʷáxrɨ ‘city-state, tribe’;

lgʷb “bone, marrow”
zero-grade: lɨ́gʷbɨ ‘bone’
front grade: pəlgʷébu ‘to remove the bones from something’;
back grade: ḷgʷábɨ ‘bone marrow’; məlgʷábɨ ‘to add bone marrow to something, to thicken a broth, to reward’;

lkʷd “leg, foot”
zero-grade: ḷ́kʷɨdə ‘foot, leg’;
front grade: lékʷdi ‘to kick’; ḷkʷdé ‘to walk’;
back grade: lákʷdə ‘leg wrapping, stocking’;

mkʷ “arm, hand”
zero-grade: ṇ́kʷɨ ‘hand, arm’;
back grade: mákʷə ‘handful’; mákʷun ‘cubit, forearm’ 

mpl “navel”
zero-grade: ṇ́pḷ ‘navel’;
back grade:
ṇplá ‘central, middle’; máplə ‘centre, middle’;

mrb “to be bitter”
zero-grade: mṛ́bṇ ‘bitter, pungent’; mṛ́bə ‘lettuce’;
front grade:
mṛbé ‘to be bitter, to be sorrowful’; mérbṣ ‘to make bitter, to cause suffering, to torment’;
back grade:
márbə ‘bitterness’; məmrábu ‘to excite the tastebuds, to make salivate’; márbṇ ‘saliva’;

mtkʷ “to cover”
zero-grade: ṇ́tkʷṇ ‘covered, hidden’;
front grade:
ṇtkʷé ‘to cover’; métkʷṣ ‘to cover oneself, to hide oneself away’;
back grade:
ṇtkʷá ‘roof’; ṇtákʷti ‘hoard, store’;

myd “to perform an action”
zero-grade: mídə ‘gesture, wave’;
front grade:
midé ‘to do’; méydṛ ‘slave, servant’;
back grade:
midá ‘deed, action’; máydə ‘thing’;

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